Don’t wait for normal to return, it is not coming back.
Take chances now.
Playing it safe right now is too dangerous a strategy.
If you are trying to play it safe you are missing a significant opportunity to stand out. And you need to stand out!
I gave this advice at an event this spring at the dawn of Covid. And about a month later one of the participants messaged me to say that she took my advice. She said, “I quit my job and started the journey that I always wanted to take, but hadn’t really had the courage to do it.” Now was the time.
Now is the time to invest in yourself, relying on yourself as your most valuable asset.
Understanding who you are, being able to articulate your purpose, and how you can use your genius work to help others; this is your portable equity and it is worth gold!
It is easy to lose ourselves right now, and yet the opportunity to find ourselves is the one we need to say yes to.
If you are ready to invest in your portable equity and declare your purpose we can help!