So when a 13-year-old writes a book it gets my attention!

And when it gets published and you can buy it on Amazon and it is called “How to Eat fudge”–  I buy it!

Jelena Jerkovic is honest, open, and vulnerable in a Brené Brown kind of way.

Wise beyond her 13 years, she is navigating the end of grade 8 and the upcoming unknown of high school.

Fudge is an acronym for: Fear, uncertainty, doubt, guilt, expectations. I love this quote from her book:

Eating fudge means mentally digesting and breaking down the bad feelings and flushing the garbage you don’t need out of your system” She talks about how to feel your feelings and advises “the only way to get out of your knot of feelings is to untie them” (yup she is 13!)

The book includes some worksheets and tools and tips to help you when you slip into F.U.D.G.E and it is all written from her 13-year-old perspective using her own life experience. If you know a 13-year-old this might be perfect summer reading!

I know she says it is for kids, and she is a kid…so she should know.

But I think fudge is good at all ages! After reading this you might think fudge has never tasted so good!

*this is not a paid sponsorship I just like to share good stories. I am also a big fan of her Mom Finka Jerkovic who is my friend, mentor, colleague, collaborator and also the author of Sell From Love!