Once a term like personal branding becomes a “thing” it becomes a misunderstood “thing”.
The question I hear most is, “Isn’t personal branding just another form of bragging?” And in our insta-happy, Facebook perfect, selfie world that could certainly be true.
But don’t be fooled.
True personal branding could not be further from bragging.
Personal branding is about finding the best way for you to help others. It is about becoming more of you, not a new you, not an improved you, or a thinner you. It is not you in a red power suit and Louboutins.
It’s about the courage to look deep and say, “This is my set of uncompromising values, this is what I do best, this is what I stand for and stand up for. This is how I am different and like no one else. This is how I can best help you.”